Central Campus Security Information
JC’s desire is to provide an accessible and safe environment here on campus. The following information is provided for your safety as well as the consideration of others.
In Case of Emergency: CALL (9) 911
Anonymous Tip Line
Jackson College Security now allows the public to share important public safety information anonymously with security staff via an online form, smart phone app or secure text message about crimes or suspicious activity on college property. The system allows a safe and secure way for students, employees, and visitors to share important information with security staff without fear of retribution. This system is 100 percent anonymous, as the technology removes all identifying information before security sees it and there is no way to identify the sender.
Submit an anonymous tip -
Automatic External Defibrillator
We now have life-saving automated external defibrillator (AED) machines installed on the Central Campus at the following locations:
1st Floor – Weight Room Spot Trainer and Room 101Health Laboratory Center:
- 1st Floor – Student Commons area
McDivitt Hall:
- 1st Floor – Near the University Extension Offices
Whiting Hall:
- 2nd Floor – Center Stairwell and an additional AED outside the Health Clinic.
Walker Hall:
- 1st Floor – Front Elevator Area
- 2nd Floor – Near Restrooms
Potter Center:
- 1st Floor – Elevator Area
1st Floor – Dining Commons near the Jet’s Store.
2nd Floor –Stairs to 3rd Floor and an additional AED inside the board room.
Gold Hall, Maroon Hall, and Campus View:
- 1st Floor Lobby Areas
William Atkinson:
- 1st Floor – Library Information Desk
Baseball and Softball fields:
- Inside of each press boxes.
Jets Hangar:
- Next to main entrance.
STEAM Building:
- Inside of East large bay area.
Jackson Preparatory and Early College:
- Outside of main office.
Education Innovation Center:
- Inside of main office.
An immediate 911 call is placed when box is open. Read and follow the directions carefully. If there is an additional person with you, they can make a confirmation call to 911. There are several JC employees here on the Central Campus who are CPR/AED certified. If you are interested in CPR/AED training, call Human Resources at 796-8334.
If you can’t get to an AED box and THERE IS AN EMERGENCY: CALL 911
Use your discretion. Assess the facts. Keep your head. Think of others. Act calmly and directly.
- Be sure 911 dispatcher knows:
- Jackson College
- Location where assistance is needed (building, floor, room, etc.)
- Type of emergency.
- Notify Campus Safety and Security at 517.796.8620 (ext. 8620) and the Security Site cell phone 517.740.7986 whenever there is an emergency and to obtain assistance for directing emergency personnel traffic, crowd control, evacuation, etc. or contact the switchboard (0). Members or the Jackson College Safety and Security Department are on Campus 24/7.
Responsibility for Service: Under no circumstances will the person telephoning for emergency service be responsible for those charges. The person requiring assistance has first responsibility for the charges. Other arrangements may be made at the discretion of the JC Human Resources Department.
Building Surveillance
The College uses surveillance equipment, including but not limited to cameras and software, in order to ensure employee, student and visitor safety. Surveillance is monitored 24/7 by campus security. Signage regarding the use of building surveillance is posted at main entrances.
Campus Parking
Over 1,700 parking spaces are available on the Central Campus. Parking is allowed in designated areas only, and is strictly prohibited in fire/safety vehicle access lanes, city/county bus access lanes, handicap spaces, all campus drives and roadways.
Campus security personnel have been sworn to enforce Summit Township and state parking ordinances on campus. Safety warnings and parking violation citations will be issued when necessary to control parking and to provide a safe means of entry and exit from campus lots.
Employee Building Access
Employee Building Access
Building access procedures are designed to protect you and your colleagues during nonscheduled business hours. Nonscheduled business hours are those times when campus is typically closed including weekends, holidays, and weekdays before 7 a.m. or after 10 p.m.
Please schedule your building access requests ahead of time (at least 24 hours) by sending an email to the Campus Safety and Security Department at security@zlmmc8.com.
- Name/Extension
- Date Needed
- Entry/Exit Time
- Building/Room
- Reason
This will allow Jackson College Safety and Security Officers Services to schedule your safe and timely access. When you are ready to leave, please contact the Jackson College Safety and Security Department at 517.796.8620 ext. 8620 or the Security Site cell phone at 517.740.7986.
Escort Services
Escort services are available upon request from JC security. Call 517.796.8620 (ext.8620) or the Security Site cell phone 517.740.7986 to make arrangements.
Health Emergency
The following situations should ALWAYS be considered life-threatening emergencies.
- Chest pain or pain radiating from the chest to the jaw, shoulder or arm (possible heart attack)
- Lack of breathing, difficulty breathing, or shortness of breath (possible airway obstruction, heart attack or other life-threatening condition)
- Unconsciousness (many possible life-threatening conditions such as stroke, poisoning or heart attack)
- Choking and coughing (foreign body in throat)
- Weakness in face or on one side of body, or inability to speak (possible stroke)
- Pale, blue or gray face, sweating and rapid breathing (possible stroke)
- Bleeding that does not stop easily when pressure is applied (cut or laceration requiring medical care)
- Protruding bones or severe pain, deformity and loss of motion at or near a bone (possible fracture)
- Burns, unless very minor
- Coughing or vomiting blood (possible internal hemorrhage), foreign body in eye
Outside Campus Grounds Use
Use of campus grounds (sports fields, etc.) is restricted. For information and scheduling, please call 517.796.8473.
For all events, vehicles (except snow removal equipment) are prohibited from driving on walkways or grounds areas. All vehicles shall be restricted to roadways and service ramps only.
Parking on grassy areas is strictly prohibited. Parking areas are provided on Central Campus. If you choose to park along the county roadway, keep vehicles off those grassy areas that are maintained by College personnel.
Employee Building Access
Building access procedures are designed to protect you and your colleagues during nonscheduled business hours. Nonscheduled business hours are those times when campus is typically closed including weekends, holidays, and weekdays before 7 a.m. or after 10 p.m.
Please schedule your building access requests ahead of time (at least 24 hours) by sending an email to the Campus Safety and Security Department at security@zlmmc8.com.
- Name/Extension
- Date Needed
- Entry/Exit Time
- Building/Room
- Reason
This will allow Jackson College Safety and Security Officers Services to schedule your safe and timely access. When you are ready to leave, please contact the Jackson College Safety and Security Department at 517.796.8620 ext. 8620 or the Security Site cell phone at 517.740.7986.
Public Transportation
Public transportation is available for students attending Central Campus . Students can take advantage of reduced bus fares offered through Jackson Transportation Authority (JTA). JTA operates a special schedule of services to Jackson College’s Central Campus when classes are in session.
Vehicle Assistance
Vehicle assistance is a courtesy provided by the Campus Safety and Security team. Call the 517.796.8620 (ext. 8620) or the Security Site cell phone at 517.740.7986. Vehicle assistance is limited to jump starting of car batteries. Security will no longer provide unlock services.